Unique Identifiers
This site is deprecated. Please visit the latest docs at:https://intrahealth.github.io/client-registry/
OpenCR creates unique idenfiers (CRUIDs) which provide the key for record linkage.
In this example, there are three records for one person, Luke, and a CRUID has been assigned.
- Luke has records one EMR, another EMR, and a lab system.
- Each of his records has some demographic data.
- OpenCR has also created a CRUID - "CRUID-1", for Luke.
- There is a record for CRUID-1. It does not have demographic data, but it does have links to all of Luke's records.
- Once CRUID-1 has been assigned to Luke's records, his CRUID-1 is also linked to the original records.
Last update: April 16, 2020