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Ansible for Ubuntu

Requirements and Versions

These steps are for installing on an Ubuntu system directly and requires experience with remote configuration and adherence to enterprise IT best practices which are out of scope for this document.

These steps require

  • An Ubuntu target, e.g. server, VM, or desktop. Ubuntu 22 is recommended and tested against.
  • Python3 installed on the target host. This is default on Ubuntu 22.
  • Python3 and Ansible installed on the controller that directs installation on target hosts, e.g. your laptop.
  • On the controller, the gofr repository cloned and the terminal directory changed to /packaging/ansible
  • To use the CLI tool, dialog must be installed (this is macOS/Linux only).

The controller can be any macOS, Ubuntu, or Linux that has Python3 and Ansible installed. Windows users are recommended to use WSL to have a Linux interface. CentOS is no longer supported as a target host.

Versions tested: * Ubuntu 22 * HAPI FHIR JPA Server tag: v6.0.1

All versions of below are defaults on Ubuntu 22 * Python 3 * Tomcat9 * PostgreSQL 14 * Nodejs 12 * Java: openjdk 17 (HAPI requires 17 to build but 11 to run)

Ansible Target Hosts

Hosts can be specified in inventory files or on the command line. Hosts may be specified on the command line (the comma is necessary even if there is only one host):

ansible-playbook -i, someplaybook.yaml

To use Ansible with an inventory file, you must create a file or edit the one in the repository. YAML and INI formats are supported.

A hosts file that has an entry for one server and to also install on localhost would be (though you'll probably only do one of these):

localhost ansible_connection=local


Note that [local] and [servers] are not necessary, it is way to tag groups of servers. The file may simply contain an IP address or subdomain and DNS address.

To use the hosts file:

ansible-playbook -i hosts <someplaybook>.yaml

User and SSH setup

A example playbook is provided to show how to use Ansible to create a user (gofr) with sudo permissions on the target host. Another user can be used but they must have sudo permissions for installation.

Make sure to include a public SSH key for the user who will install prerequisites.

Create the gofr user and gives it sudo access:

ansible-playbook -i hosts user.yaml

As necessary, add additional ssh keys to the user. (This is done using the keys exposed in GitHub accounts, so first ensure that the user's public key is available on github, ie. visit to use this script):

ansible-playbook -i hosts keys.yaml

Some small conveniences can be installed and configured: *

ansible-playbook -i hosts  nicetohave.yaml -e user=gofr


Note: For the remainder of the playbooks, -e user=gofr is appended to the commands and must be changed if there's a different user being used on the target host.

Prerequisites: git, redis, nodejs, native build pkgs for node, java, tomcat, maven:

ansible-playbook -i hosts prep.yaml -e user=gofr

Setup PostgreSQL.

ansible-playbook -i hosts postgres.yaml -e user=gofr -e pgpass=hapi

Build and install HAPI FHIR JPA Server and run with tomcat9. * This playbook copies over the application.yaml. * tomcat9 looks for the default Java which isn't installed, rather 17 is installed. So, the script updates JAVA_HOME for tomcat9. * The DB name, user, and password defaults to hapi. * Remove the last argument to change postgres password for the db to something else. This will also change the db password in the application.yaml file.

ansible-playbook -i hosts hapi.yaml -e user=gofr -e pgpass=hapi

Clone or git pull the latest GOFR app in $HOME/gofr

ansible-playbook -i hosts gofr.yaml -e user=gofr

Install the gofr service and load and start in systemd:

ansible-playbook -i hosts services.yaml -e user=gofr


  • nginx, apache, caddy etc for gofr
  • encryption
  • fix next error with permissions...
  • make it work without keycloak, make it work with keycloak


Check that all processes are running and see the latest status:

ansible-playbook -i hosts troubleshoot.yaml -e user=gofr

Confirm HAPI is working from localhost:

curl http://localhost:8080/fhir/DEFAULT/metadata

Run GOFR manually.

cd $HOME/gofr/gofr-backend
app__installed=${false} mCSD__server__protocal=http mCSD__server__host=localhost mCSD__server__port=8080 mCSD__server__basePath=fhir  app__idp=gofr npm start


Rerunning the install playbook updates intrahealth/hearth and app repos on the remote server. Rerunning the services.yaml playbook updates services. Services are restarted (not just reloaded).

The install.yaml playbook uses: * git pull to get the latest updates to the master branch. * npm install to update packages.

Basic status

systemctl status postgresql@14-main
systemctl status redis
systemctl status gofr


journalctl -u tomcat9.service -b
journalctl -u postgresql@14-main.service -b
journalctl -u gofr.service -b
journalctl -u redis.service -b

Restart services

sudo systemctl restart gofr.service

Restart databases

sudo systemctl restart postgresql@14-main.service
sudo systemctl restart redis.service


Ensure processes are listening on the correct ports: See

# gui: 8080, backend: 3000, hearth: 3447, mongo: 27017, redis: 6379
sudo netstat -tnlp | grep :8080
sudo netstat -tnlp | grep :3000
sudo netstat -tnlp | grep :3447
sudo netstat -tnlp | grep :27017
sudo netstat -tnlp | grep :6379

Check for firewall blocks. Rerun the gui and:

sudo tcpdump -n icmp 

Do not use

Do not use these commands on production systems. This for troubleshooting the install scripts on servers without any data and trying migrations between versions.

Delete the hapi db in postgres

sudo -u postgres psql postgres
postgres=# drop database hapi;
postgres=# \q


HAPI v6.0.1 error with GOFR accessing HAPI:

"severity": "error",
"code": "processing",
"diagnostics": "HAPI-0389: Failed to call access method: org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not open JPA EntityManager for transaction; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException: Unable to acquire JDBC Connection"